
How We’re Different

Dr. Adam Carraway is pleased to help carry on Dr. James Dickert’s legacy of providing high-quality dental care for patients since 1977. He continues to provide oral health solutions to patients in his Greer, SC, dentist office. Dr. Carraway provides exceptional oral health services and personalized dentistry.

Vision and value set Cove Dental Care apart from other dental practices. Dr. Carraway works with his patients as individuals to better understand the types of treatments they are looking for. He thoroughly explains each dental treatment to patients so they can choose the right option for their needs, budget, and goals. Dr. Carraway makes Cove Dental Care Dentistry a place of open communication where patients can voice their needs.

Dr. Carraway and our dental care team strive to be a part of our patient’s overall healthcare team. At each appointment, we look at systemic health as well as the status of the teeth, gums, lips, and cheeks to identify issues and come up with a preventative plan for maintaining health. We work hard to proactively attain wellness rather than reactively treating disease.

At Cove Dental Care, Dr. Carraway provides a wide variety of dental services in Greer. You can use our services to improve the aesthetics of your smile, provide preventative care, and restore the health of your teeth and gums. Discover each dental service below and visit the cosmetic, general, and restorative pages for links to information about our treatment options.

Dental services in Greer and Easley, SC

Dental Issues

Teeth problems affect everyone at some point in their lives. Family dentists provide ongoing dental care to help prevent and treat common dental issues, but it is important to attend regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure that any existing dental issues do not worsen over time. Dental issues can range from cavities, periodontal disease, broken teeth, TMJ/TMD pain, and more. Ignoring proper dental care can lead to even bigger problems down the road. Oral health is vital for healthy living since it directly affects our overall health – meaning if we don’t take care of our mouths, then our entire bodies are affected. Emergency dental care may be needed if you have a toothache or if you experience a traumatic injury that affects your mouth; this kind of care should always be sought after as soon as possible. Finding a family dentist is key in ensuring good oral hygiene and overall health.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a very common issue that occurs due to bacteria and acid in our mouths. Sugary foods or drinks and poor oral hygiene contribute to tooth decay. As we age, our enamel wears down, making it easier for the acid in our mouth to cause further damage and create cavities. Diet greatly impacts tooth decay, as too many sweets can increase chances of forming cavities. Certain medications like antibiotics can also erode tooth enamel, leading to an increased chance of tooth decay. Saliva helps wash away bacteria which can lead to tooth decay its absence may speed things up. Drug use such as smoking and alcohol consumption can also contribute to the rate of tooth decay due to their acidic properties. Dentists are able to check for tooth decay through simple procedures when you go for regular cleanings, alongside fluoridated products which help slow down this process.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Poor dental hygiene and eating hard or crunchy foods without proper care is a common cause of chipped or broken teeth. It is important to repair these types of damage quickly as it can leave your teeth vulnerable to further complications and decay. Your local dental team in South Carolina can treat your dental problems, such as focusing on properly aligned teeth that would otherwise be neglected or improperly repaired. Options for repairing chipped or broken teeth can vary from bonding, crowns and veneers, but the most effective option for you depends on your needs. Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy, so regular brushing and flossing is essential. Additionally, if you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, investing in an occlusal guard may help reduce the risk of damaging them further.

Toothaches In Greer and Easley, SC

A toothache is any kind of pain or discomfort in or around a tooth. Treating a toothache as soon as possible is important because it can help prevent further dental issues from occurring. Dental needs should be addressed by consulting a dentist, who can recommend non-invasive treatments such as fillings, extractions, or root canals. If severe and left untreated, the condition may worsen to the point of needing emergency treatment. To prevent a toothache from developing, regular oral care such as brushing and flossing must take place and check ups with a dentist at least twice yearly are recommended to treat existing dental problems. Taking all these steps together will ensure that any dental needs are addressed and treated quickly before they become more serious.

Dental Absess

A dental abscess is an infection, usually painless and virtually invisible, that occurs inside a tooth or in the gums and can remain undetectable by the human eye. This infection, however, requires immediate attention as it can lead to dangerous health risks. The most common form of treating a dental abscess is via drainage followed by antibiotics to help ease pain and minimize chances of reoccurrence. To prevent dental abscesses one should visit their dentist regularly for checkups and x rays. Making pain-free trips to the dentist every 6 to 12 months allows for early detection of any abscesses making them treatable before they progress into destruction of teeth or increased risk for other infections. In short, abscesses are preventable with regular checkups and proper hygiene practices but are best treated quickly should they occur.

Missing Fillings

When you lose a filling, it’s important to take note of the symptoms and speak with your dental professional about treatment and prevention options. Up to date technology now allows for painless equipment to insert fillings very precisely; this professional appearance will have you leaving the office feeling confident. Treatment may involve replacing the filling, removing and treating any decay present, plus exploring possible causes as to why it came out in the first place. Timely replacement of a dental filling is essential if further damage is to be avoided; toothaches or discomfort in the area may also occur if left untreated. Your dental hygienist can provide recommendations on a diet which would be easy on your teeth during recovery.

Missing Crown

Losing a dental crown can be a striking and painful oral health experience. A missing dental crown is usually caused by wear and tear, bite issues, decay or a trauma that has loosened the crown. It is extremely important to replace your dental crown as quickly as possible because leaving it untreated can cause further damage to your teeth and gums. Dentist in Greer SC can help you treat this dental problem swiftly with expert advice and treatments so that you can effectively restore your oral health without compromising on its functionality or aesthetics. This is especially important since our oral health directly affects our overall wellbeing and should be taken care of immediately.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is an inflammatory disease of the gums and is one of the most common dental issues. It affects more than half of those over the age of 35 and can lead to a variety of oral health problems if untreated. Treating gum disease is essential because it can cause bad breath, gum recession, and eventually tooth loss. Treating gum disease can involve cleanings, family dentistry appointments, or oral surgery in some cases. Taking prompt action to treat gum disease is important for both short-term and long-term oral health outcomes and can be covered by dental insurance. Does gum disease hurt? It does not usually cause pain but there may be sensitivity in your gums if you have it. Common signs that you could have gum disease are bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth, red or swollen gums, receding gum line, or constant bad breath or taste in your mouth. Treating this often preventable condition early is key to keeping your teeth healthy for years to come.

Stained and Discolored Teeth

Tooth discoloration is a common phenomenon caused by stained enamel and is visible on the teeth of many individuals. It can be due to lifestyle habits, like drinking coffee, tea and red wine, or even aging. In more severe cases, there may be an underlying medical condition contributing to the discoloration. Fortunately, there are many treatments available that can produce a dramatic improvement in tooth color and give sufferers a renewed confidence in their smiles. To prevent discoloration from occurring in the first place, one should maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily with a high quality toothpaste and flossing at least once a day. Additionally, scheduling regular professional cleanings throughout the year can help to protect worn enamel and keep teeth looking whiter for longer. Ultimately, tackling discolored teeth requires effort, but with education and motivation you can ensure your pearly whites stay as white as possible!

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can really alter one’s life, from feeling self conscious when smiling to missing out on the highest quality of life. But there is hope– replacing missing teeth can provide a positive experience for many people. Replacing them doesn’t have to be excessive either; with continuing education in dentistry, it is becoming more accessible than ever before. Recent technological advances mean that dental implant procedures as an example, have become increasingly quick and comfortable in recent years– meaning tooth replacement isn’t just possible, it’s becoming a reality for an increasing number of people. If you are looking for tooth replacement options in Greer, SC, call us today!

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are teeth that have been misaligned or moved out of their traditional position. Teeth can become crooked due to a range of conditions, from genetics to physical trauma to late development and even from thumb-sucking during childhood. Treating crooked teeth can prevent future oral problems, such as tooth decay or periodontal disease, and improve your smile and confidence. Some people choose traditional metal braces for treatment, but others may opt for clear aligners instead; the best choice depends on the nature of each patient’s condition. Treating crooked teeth is not only good for one’s physical health but also important for overall psychological well-being in many cases. Finally, it is highly recommended to have a dentist assess any potential dental problems and recommend an appropriate soluation in order to maintain a healthy life and avoid possible issues that could arise with time.

Dental Solutions in Greer and Easley, SC

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dental solutions enhance the look and health of your smile. These services can also improve the function of your teeth as well.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain ceramic cover the front of the tooth enamel for a bright and uniform look. Our dental veneers can repair chipped teeth, cover stains, and elongate short or worn down teeth.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding treatment can change the shape, size, and color of teeth. For this treatment, we mold biocompatible material directly onto the enamel and then cure it. Dr. Carraway will color-match the bonding material so it blends in with your natural teeth.

Teeth Whitening in Greer and Easley, SC

Professional teeth whitening such as Opalescence in-office and take-home whitening treatments can brighten your smile by multiple shades. We tailor each Opalescence treatment to each patient. We have full control on the amount of hydrogen peroxide we administer in the whitening gel.


Preventive Dental Care

Preventative dental care helps prevent future oral health problems from occurring by addressing underlying issues. The goal of our preventative dental care is to make sure that identify problems before they get worse. We can do this with regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and fluoride treatments. Preventive dental care is essential to the maintenance of good oral health, and regular visits to a dental hygienist can help people sustain a beautiful smile. Preventative care consists of regular check up, dental cleanings and routine assessments that allow dentists to detect dental problems, before they get worse with time. Bacterial testing also helps identify harmful bacteria in the mouth that can lead to plaque buildup, cavities and gum deteriation. With this knowledge, dentists can treat problems before they become bigger issues down the road and possibly save patients money on expensive treatments for more serious cases. With regular check-ups and preventative treatments such as regular brushing and flossing, we can all achieve a beautiful smile that will last us a lifetime.

Sports Mouthguard

Do you play contact sports like football, basketball, or lacrosse? A Sports Mouthguard is a dental device that fits firmly in the mouth, providing protection from many treatable dental problems and traumatic injuries. During physical contact sports such as boxing, basketball or soccer, a mouthguard can prevent micro fractures in the teeth. In addition to protecting teeth from trauma, a sports mouthguard also helps absorb shock and protects the lips, cheeks and jaw from injury. Although this protective device may appear uncomfortable during its initial wearing, after being customized to fit with hot water it will often be comfortable for hours of intense physical activity.

Emergency Dentistry in Greer and Easley, SC

Emergency Dentistry is a form of dental treatment that specializes in the diagnosis and care of sudden and severe dental issues. X-rays are often taken to determine how to treat dental problems. New patients can be seen quickly – treatment for any problems must begin as soon as possible. Emergency dentistry can provide an array of services, from relieving pain caused by a broken tooth or abscess to determining an infection before it spreads. It’s important to get treated quickly when you experience any kind of dental emergent situation, not only for relief from symptoms but also to ensure lasting effects that may arise from neglecting your oral health. With the proper care and attention from an emergency dentist, even the most challenging cases can be resolved in a timely manner while living free from pain. If you are having emergency dentistry needs in Greer SC, call our office because we may have an appointment today!

Family Dentistry

Dr. Carraway is a Family Dentist in Greer, SC that wants every member of your family to be able to receive care under one roof. Whether you’re a new or current patient, he wants you to feel welcome in his dentist office. Family dentistry is an essential part of healthcare for the entire family. Professional dental care goes beyond maintaining appearances and focuses on proper oral health. Taking care of teeth at all stages of life is key to continuing to have healthy, strong teeth and gums. It’s recommended that everyone starting at the age of six months should receive regular dental care from a qualified professional. Regular check-ups can enable a dentist to assess current condition, provide preventative treatment and diagnose any emerging problems early on before they become more serious; by catching issues early on it can save time, money and one’s smile in the long run! A visit to the family dentist should never be overlooked as it can help with treating dental problems quickly and making sure the entire family has stored up on confidence for those pearly whites!

Dental Sedation

Sedation Dentistry provides a way for those with dental anxiety to have necessary procedures performed without fear. Identifying and solving the underlying problems that are causing the fear is the ultimate goal of using sedation, although it does also relax anxious patients who might not have deep-seated issues. Depending on the level of sedation used, dental procedures can often be completed in one appointment, compared to multiple appointments when no sedation is used. So, is anyone a candidate for dental sedation? Generally speaking, if you experience anxiety while visiting the dentist and it’s impacting your ability to have necessary treatments completed, then you should talk to your dentist about whether or not you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions are needed to remove severely impacted, infected, or overcrowded teeth. We ensure that the extraction process is as comfortable as possible. There are various reasons for why a tooth extraction may be necessary, such as if a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, or is causing crowding when prepping for orthodontic treatment. It can also be done to prevent infection and alleviate pain associated with wisdom teeth. Fortunately, there are ways to make a tooth extraction comfortable and even painless. Your dentist in Greer, SC can numb your gums using local anesthetic, particularly if you feel anxious about undergoing the procedure. Additionally, sedation dentistry options could be used to give you further relaxation during the treatment. With proper preparation, a patient should feel relatively at ease through their entire tooth extraction experience.


Dentistry revitalizes and repairs the health and function of the teeth and gums. Restorative dentistry is a branch of dental care that focuses on repairing teeth that have been damaged either by disease or injury. It includes many specialized treatments such as fillings, bridgework, crowns, and implant-supported dentures. Restorative dentistry is important because it helps to restore functionality to a person’s smile while also enhancing their overall appearance. Moreover, when done correctly, restorative dental treatments can look very natural; it is now possible to find materials that match the exact shade and texture of existing teeth. Lastly, restorative dentistry can significantly improve oral health by preventing tooth decay and gum diseases which in turn have systemic consequences on the body.


A Dental Bridge is a dental prosthetic used to replace multiple missing teeth. Traditionally, crown-capped natural teeth adjacent to a tooth gap will secure bridges. However, we can use dental implants to permanently restore teeth with a bridge. They are typically made of metal or porcelain for optimum strength and durability. Dental bridges can be quite attractive because they can be perfectly matched to the colour, shape and size of your existing teeth. Although a dental bridge is permanently attached and not removable without professional help, with proper care these bridges can last for many years. The process of affixing a bridge involves anchoring it to the adjacent teeth while customizing it to fit comfortably into place. This is done by filing away just enough tooth structure on each side that braces don’t show, so that there are no unpleasant sensations or issues when biting or chewing food. With regular hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing, dental bridges provide an excellent solution to lost teeth in a comfortable way.


Dental Crowns are porcelain caps that fully cover natural teeth or dental implants. They look just like natural teeth and provide durability and strength. A dental crown is a restoration that is used to replace the top portion of a tooth that has been compromised by decay or other medical issues. In order for it to be placed, the structure of the existing tooth must first be shaped to accommodate the placement of the crown. The new crown is then fitted onto the existing structure and secured in place with a durable dental adhesive. Thanks to advances in materials and technology, there are now many dental crowns that can provide a very natural-looking appearance when affixed to your smile. Porcelain and ceramic materials all offer an option that replicates natural teeth more closely than ever before.

Dental Implants

Implants are versatile restorative tools that replace teeth at the root. They are small titanium posts that your oral surgeon places into the jaw to replace single missing teeth or support bridges and dentures. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots made of titanium and other materials that are surgically placed into the jawbone. The implant acts as an anchor for a dental crown, bridge or denture, restoring function and aesthetics to the mouth. Dental implant placement is a safe and exciting option for many who suffer from missing or failing teeth. During the procedure, your dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue and create a pocket in the bone to fit the implant securely. They may also use 3D imaging technology to ensure precise placement of each implant. With proper care, dental implants look amazingly natural thanks to their durability and appearance, filling any gaps you may have due to missing teeth. Most importantly, experienced dentists place a priority on comfort during treatment, striving to make the procedure easy and minimally invasive for their patients.

Full Dentures and Partial Dentures

We recommend dentures for patients missing rows or arches of teeth. Our implant-secured dentures do not slip around the mouth and make it easier to speak and chew. A denture is a removable false tooth set that replaces missing teeth and the gums that surround them. Dentures can be full or partial, with full dentures replacing a whole arch of teeth and partial dentures only taking up space where small groups of teeth have been lost. The positioning of dentures will always vary depending on the patient, however it generally follows the same process. After being custom made in a laboratory to fit each individual’s mouth, they are inserted onto the gum tissue, covering any remaining teeth and creating a strong base for the artificial teeth to rest on. Although some people may worry that their denture may look unnatural, modern technology has created solutions which give realistic-looking outcomes – meaning you won’t even spot your own denture when smiling! While having dentures placed can be uncomfortable at first, with regular visits after placement to make adjustments for comfort and happiness, patients tend to get used to them in no time.

Gum Disease Treatments

Gingivitis, or gum inflammation, can quickly turn into periodontitis, also known as gum disease. Dr. Carraway helps patients prevent gum disease and treat the effects of gum inflammation. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums and surrounding structures of the teeth. Treatment for gum disease involves deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup from below the gum line, as well as receiving antibiotics or medicated mouthwashes to prevent further infections from occurring. It is essential to treat gum disease in order to prevent damage to the gums, which can lead to tooth loss and other serious problems. Receiving treatment for gum disease not only reduces inflammation associated with it but also helps improve oral hygiene in general by removing bacteria that cause it. The sooner and more effectively you treat your periodontal disease, the better off you will be in preventing further damage.

TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular joint disorders cause problems in the face, jaw, and teeth. Injury to the temporomandibular joint can cause headaches, jaw pain, and teeth grinding, which we can treat in our office. TMJ treatment focuses on reducing and managing the symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. This disorder is caused by the improper functioning of the jaw joint, leading to facial pain and headaches, difficulty in chewing and clicking or popping noises when opening the mouth. Depending on the severity of the condition, doctors may suggest different types of treatments including physical therapy, medications, bite splints, or botox injections to result in improved muscle relaxation. Surgery is often seen as a last resort for cases with severe damage or chronic loss of jaw movement. TMJ disease treatment is important to ensure it does not worsen over time and leads to a decrease in quality of life. It is best if individuals start treatment early and continue at regular intervals until full relief is achieved.


Contact Cove Dental of Greer at 864-263-2600Request a dental appointment online with Dr. Carraway. We look forward to meeting you at your next dental visit.

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome!