
Tooth Replacement in Greenville, SC

Missing teeth can impact your smile’s appearance and health. We offer various tooth replacement options to restore your smile’s function and aesthetics. Dental implants involve an artificial root and crown, while dental bridges and removable partial dentures are other options for single or multiple missing teeth. A denture or implant-retained denture is an option for all missing teeth. Learn about our tooth replacement options to address dental concerns like missing teeth.

Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Whether you’re missing one tooth or multiple, missing teeth impact your smile. The aesthetic impact is what you’ll notice first. It can make you insecure about your smile when you should be confident to show it off. Replacing a missing tooth gives you back your smile and confidence when speaking or laughing in public.

As soon as you lose a tooth, the jawbone starts to deteriorate in that area. Your face starts to sag, causing premature aging. Additionally, the teeth around that area start to shift because they want to fill the gap in your smile. If you’ve had braces or Invisalign treatment, you may have to get it again because your teeth won’t be straight anymore.

Depending on where you’re missing the tooth, it can impact the way you eat or speak. It’s another thing to be insecure about if you have a lisp or speech impediment because of your missing tooth. Missing teeth can affect your diet, too. You may be unable to eat some foods because you can’t chew them. Fruits and vegetables are essential for a balanced diet, and they can be hard to chew if you’re missing molars.

Our Tooth Replacement Options

If you lose a tooth, we recommend replacing it as soon as possible. The longer you go without replacing the tooth, the more serious the side effects get. We offer various tooth replacement options at our Greenville, SC, dentist office.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the best innovations in modern dentistry. Before dental implants, our tooth replacement options had many negative aspects to them that made tooth replacement not desirable for some patients. Today’s dental implants are highly successful and look extremely natural.

Dental implants may be your best option if you are looking for a permanent cosmetic solution to missing teeth. Because they replace the tooth root, you get back 100% of your bite function and don’t have to change your diet. They fuse with the jawbone and stop it from deteriorating further, too. Dental implants replicate natural teeth because they have a root as well as the crown of the tooth.

Dental Bridges

In some situations, dental implants are not possible or are not the best tooth replacement option. Dental bridges are the next best option. We make dental bridges that look very natural and are cemented permanently in the mouth. A dental bridge does not have to be taken out at night. Dental bridges are placed permanently on natural teeth like a dental crown. A bridge consists of a crown on the tooth in front of the missing tooth and a crown behind the missing tooth, with an artificial porcelain tooth connected to both crowns.

Dental bridges can replace a single tooth or multiple consecutive missing teeth. They come in removable and fixed options. Removable bridges are taken out to eat and clean, while fixed ones stay in all the time. They’re a faster option than implants, using two natural teeth on either side of the bridge to anchor it in your mouth. Implant-supported bridges are available as well.

Eat a nutritious and balanced diet:

Healthy and nutritious foods help to promote strong teeth. Fruits and vegetables will also assist in removing plaque from your teeth. Lastly, drink plenty of water to keep your oral cavity hydrated, especially if you have a dry mouth.

Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks:

Foods and drinks that are high in sugars and starches can contribute directly to dental decay. To prevent damage to your teeth, try to avoid soft drinks, candies, and cookies.

Drink water from the tap:

Unlike most bottled water, tap water usually contains fluoride. Fluoride and saliva supply the minerals that tooth enamel needs to repair itself. This helps to keep the enamel strong, effectively protecting it from decay.

Visit your dentist regularly:

Be sure to see your dentist at least twice a year for checkups and professional dental cleanings. You can ask the dental expert about sealants and supplemental fluoride.

Lastly, avoid habits such as teeth grinding that wear down the outer layer of the enamel, increasing the risk of dental decay.


Dentures replace a full arch of missing teeth. Traditional dentures are removable and stay in place with suction and adhesive. Implants can also support them. Without implants, they’re faster and cheaper, as are dental bridges. However, the fit will change with time since you aren’t replacing the tooth root. You’ll need to get them readjusted or replaced in the future.

A removable partial denture is a cost-effective way to replace missing teeth. A properly designed and fabricated removable partial denture can affordably accomplish our patients’ functional and cosmetic goals. In cases where multiple teeth are missing, dental implants or bridges can be cost-prohibitive, so it can be worth exploring the removable partial denture option. RPDs must be removed and cleaned at night time but can be used to chew food and function throughout the day.

Dental Options for Missing Teeth

When it comes to addressing missing teeth, modern dentistry offers a range of effective and customizable options to restore both oral function and aesthetics. These dental solutions cater to various needs and preferences, ensuring that individuals can regain confidence in their smiles and maintain optimal oral health.

Firstly, dental implants are a highly durable and natural-looking option for replacing missing teeth. Implants consist of titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone, which fuse with the bone over time. A custom-made crown is then attached to the implant, mimicking the appearance and function of a natural tooth. Dental implants offer unparalleled stability, comfort, and longevity, promoting healthy jawbone preservation and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting.

Secondly, fixed dental bridges provide a non-surgical solution for replacing missing teeth. These bridges consist of one or more artificial teeth anchored to adjacent natural teeth with crowns. While bridges effectively restore appearance and chewing function, they require the alteration of neighboring teeth to support the crowns. However, advances in dental materials and techniques have led to more conservative options, such as resin-bonded bridges, which minimize alteration of surrounding teeth.

Removable dentures offer another option for individuals with missing teeth. Partial dentures replace a few missing teeth and are secured using clasps that attach to existing teeth. Full dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth and rest on the gums. While removable dentures are a cost-effective solution, they may not provide the same stability as implants or fixed bridges and may require regular adjustments over time.

In recent years, implant-supported dentures have gained popularity. These dentures are attached to dental implants for enhanced stability and comfort. Implant-supported dentures can be either fixed or removable, providing individuals with a secure and functional solution that combines the benefits of dental implants with the convenience of dentures.

Lastly, dental options for missing teeth also include resin-bonded bridges, also known as Maryland bridges. These conservative bridges use metal or porcelain wings to attach to adjacent teeth, eliminating the need for significant alteration of healthy tooth structure. Resin-bonded bridges are particularly suited for replacing missing front teeth or other areas with minimal bite force.

In conclusion, dental advancements have provided a variety of effective options for addressing missing teeth. Dental implants offer superior stability and longevity, while fixed bridges, removable dentures, and implant-supported dentures provide customizable solutions to meet individual needs. Resin-bonded bridges offer a conservative option for specific cases. By exploring these dental options, individuals can work with their dentist to choose the most suitable solution to restore their smiles, oral function, and overall quality of life.

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